To Get Started in our Next Class:

This program will relieve all symptom, start reversing your biological age and transform all areas of your life you from the top down inside out - Guaranteed!

What are my other options? Join one of our Targeted Programs on Weight Loss, General Hormonal Balancing, Joint Pain and more!


Let our new eBook help you setup your own Menopause Plan.  Whether you are in the early stages of Menopause or Beyond, this helpful workbook will explain and lead your through how to go 100% Holistic or combine it with Traditional therapies.  Click to get your copy!

Feeling like a different person lately?

Maybe more irritable, older, more pain, less energy?

Is this you? You're going about your day, then suddenly a wave of heat washes over you. Your face flushes, sweat beads on your forehead, and a chill follows close behind.  Or, you may be in the 50% that suffer moderate to severe joint pain.  These are just a couple of ways menopause can disrupt your life. 

You might also experience vaginal dryness and loss of libido, making intimacy both uncomfortable and undesired. You may find yourself feeling irritable and forgetful, depressed or filled with anxiety for no reason and one of the most challenging - weight gain you just can't seem to get control over!  

These unpredictable symptoms can leave you feeling exhausted, frustrated, and like a stranger in your own body.

You're not alone! Join our supportive community with women like you who are on a journey to not only resolve these symptoms, and minimize suffering, but also make a transformation in their lives.

The Menopause Anti-Aging Program:
"Holistic Strategies for Eternal Youth"

Includes our exclusive interactive inspirational course and coaching program
PLUS a full year of continued support!

Who is this For?

The purpose of membership is to help women like you, condense time suffering from the physical and emotional symptoms and effects of menopause and midlife upheaval.

First, we'll relieve these debilitating symptoms, then support you as you learn how to revive and thrive in your life, rediscover a new purpose in midlife and help you rewind the clock. The experience will rejuvenate you from the inside out!

Our program incorporates the latest scientific research on menopause and aging, neuroscience, neurobiology, and the spiritual principles of The Energy Codes®.

Relieve - Renew - Reignite

Our unique anti-aging course combines experiential learning, coaching, self-healing techniques, spiritual principles, laboratory testing and other holistic modalities into a step-by-step customized science-based program.

Relieve: Relieve physical symptoms such as: hot flashes, night sweats, weight gain, insomnia, joint pain, brain fog, numbness & tingling, loss of libido.

Relieve psychological symptoms such as: panic attacks, anxiety, depression, loss of interest in life, irritability.

Renew: Learn how to eliminate negative thought patterns and limiting beliefs that are holding you back, practice heart coherence and other self-healing techniques for improved mind-body-spirit connection. Continue to reverse your biological age by learning how to live more holistically and heal from the inside out using supplements, lifestyle and other modalities.

Reignite: Reignite your passion for life, your vitality and your sexual energy and function and redefine your purpose in midlife to give greater meaning to your life.

In Our Community:

You'll find

Expert guidance: From Dr. Manon Fielding, a leading authority on menopause, aging and holistic wellness.

Sisterhood: Share experiences and find encouragement from a network of women who understand.

Strategies for relief: Our 4R program will lead you step-by-step to manage your symptoms and feel your best from the inside-out and top-down.

This is your chance to reclaim your vitality and live a life with renewed energy and confidence.

While changing your chronological age isn't possible, you can definitely change your biological age.

With our courses and intensive coaching alongside the supportive community we will help you find ways to navigate this chapter and live a healthier, happier, and more joyful life – Guaranteed!
Group of men and women holding hands on the edge of a swimming pool

Our Course and Coaching Program:

your guide to holistic health and a transformational experience.

Here's what you'll discover:

Natural Solutions for Relief: Learn proven strategies to manage common menopausal symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, mood swings, and brain fog - all without relying solely on medication.

Holistic Approach to Wellness: We'll explore the connection between mind, body, and spirit, empowering you to create a personalized plan that addresses your unique needs and promotes overall well-being.

Reverse Your Biological Age (from the inside out): This program goes beyond symptom management. We'll delve into the science of aging and equip you with tools to optimize your health, increase your energy levels, and feel your best from the inside out.

What's Included in this Program:

  • Comprehensive physical and emotional symptom review.

  • Comprehensive lifestyle review and modification including supplying menus, foundational supplementation recommendations, exercise prescriptions, healthy sleep support, stress reduction and so much more!

  • The DUTCH Complete hormonal testing and balancing program to help balance your entire hormonal system with your startup supplements included.

  • Spiritual development including training in meditation, HeartMath, The Energy Codes®, Chakra balancing, breathing techniques and other self-healing tools you will use forever.

  • Self-Love training with journaling (Special Self-Love Journal Provided)

  • Human Design personalized report and coaching.

  • Brain training: How to use your full brain potential and how to prevent dementia, cognitive decline and brain fog.

  • Advanced Anti-Aging: Supplementation and other methods of reversing your age based on current research.

  • Passion, Purpose, and Prosperity Training.

  • 12 module self-paced interactive course and coaching program including one full year of support.

Dr. Manon Fielding is a knowledgeable and compassionate healer:

with 30 years experience:

Holistic Chiropractic Physician
Doctor of Chiropractic 1994
Counselor (Masters in Counseling 2020)
Certified Spiritual Coach with the Energy Codes (2021)

She has multiple certifications in nutritional and herbal medicine posture correction, exercise therapies, various energy healing modalities and life coaching.

Dr. Fielding works as a partner with her virtual clients, trusting that they have the inner wisdom to know what they need when they are given the knowledge and tools to become their own health advocate. She helps them learn how to stay healthy and heal themselves in the course and coaching program.
Dr. Manon Fielding

Words from Recent Clients

This program can help you too

“Manon is unlike any other professional I've gone to. I've tried many different therapists, coaches, healers, etc. without a lot of benefits. I never felt comfortable, and it was difficult to be vulnerable and honest but Manon creates an environment where you feel you can be open and not judged. She's understanding, knowledgeable, patient, and kind. Because of past trauma, I was anxious and depressed and felt completely hopeless. I am so thankful that she helped me find hope in what seemed like a hopeless situation. She's truly gifted and generously shares her knowledge, experience and talents to help others. I highly recommend her program to everyone and I'm so appreciative of all the tools and guidance she's given me.”

Rebecca M. from Durham, NC

“Dr. Manon is amazing! I have learned so much in this program about myself, how to interact with others and about how important my mind, body and spirit alignment is to health and wellbeing. I came to realize that the negative circuits between our body and the brain are what drive us to our repetitive behavior and that we neglect to include our heart brain when it comes to reconciling our feelings and healing. I learned how important it is that we take care of our body and listen to what it has to say. I can't recommend them enough for anyone dealing with negative patterns, addictive behaviors and unhealthy relationships that are looking to create a new healthier, happier life and identity for themselves. Happy Healing! ”

Roz A. from Bradenton, FL

“Dr. Manon is an extremely talented, knowledgeable, and compassionate healer. Her years of experience in the health and wellness industry, coupled with extensive personal experience, allows her to approach those blessed enough to work with and learn from her with a complete understanding of human suffering. As a client and friend, I can honestly recommend her to anyone who is seeking to transform their life for the better in any way, shape, or form. She is a leading edge experience in holistic healthcare and addiction medicine and is playing a vital and necessary role in shifting the healthcare system as we know it. Thank you for your service to humanity!”

Dr. Bobby Apeiron from Raleigh, NC