Whether You Are You Ready to Make a Transformation...

or just want to relieve those stubborn symptoms - being part of our community is a safe place to start.

Midlife can be a time of transformation. Transformation can mean pain; physical and emotional pain, because when you look in the mirror and at your life you don't know how you got here, how to move forward or how to make a shift.

The first steps are awareness and acceptance of where you are and your desire to change. However, it also take courage and ability to change the negative and limiting programming in our body and mind. Researchers have found that 60-70% of our symptoms are lifestyle related, but it is often difficult to change our habits and eating patterns.

Because our program combines the latest scientific research on hormonal testing, diet, supplementation and exercise, we can help you see results faster. We have found that working with an experienced coach can make all the difference by helping us see things objectively, and taking meaningful actions towards a brighter, happier, pain-free and vital future!

When is the best time to start? NOW!
Are you read to make a transformation or maybe you just want to relieve those symptoms that just won't go away

Our Holistic Solutions are guaranteed to get you started feeling and looking great!

We customize each program to fit your level of need, budget and time.

So whether you are suffering with physical and/or emotional issues we can help. We will support each woman to optimize their potential for a healthy, happy, symptom and pain-free life.

Did Your Last Hormone Test Include:

Seven hormones, diurnal rhythms, potential cancer causing metabolites, vitamins needed to make hormones, antioxidants to protect against cancer and aging and more?

  • Estrogen, Progesterone, Testosterone, Cortisol (24 Hr), DHEA, Pregnanediol, Estrogen Metabolites (toxic/non-toxic), Melatonin, Creatinine, B12 Marker, B6 Marker, Glutathione, Dopamine, Norepinephrine, Oxidative Stress/DNA Damage Markers
  • View a Sample Report to see for yourself how comprehensive it is:  Dutch Complete

Our Holistic Blueprint for Your Success

Programs range from $597 on up depending on your personal needs and length of program.

Contact us for help creating your customized program!

  • A complete physical and emotional symptom pretest evaluation and consultation

  • The Dutch Complete 24-hr Hormonal Test

  • An extensive consultation with Dr. Fielding to review your results and make recommendations

  • The first supply of supplements to start balancing your body and hormones

  • Personal Life and/or Health Coaching and Coursework that compliment your program including lifestyle modification, stress reduction strategies, relationships, negative thought patterns and much more dependent on your unique needs.

Natural Hormone Rebalancing Solutions

Let's Personalize a Solution for You!

New Testimonial About Our Program

“Dr. Manon is amazing! I have learned so much about myself in this program and about how important my mind, body and spirit alignment is to health and wellbeing. The hormone testing and program she put me on was a game changer in the process. She really took the time to get to know all of me and what I needed!”

Roz A., Bradenton, FL

Dr. Manon Fielding is a knowledgeable and compassionate healer:

with 30 years experience:

Holistic Chiropractic Physician
Doctor of Chiropractic 1994
Counselor (Masters in Counseling 2020)
Certified Spiritual Coach with the Energy Codes (2021)

She has multiple certifications in nutritional and herbal medicine posture correction, exercise therapies, various energy healing modalities and life coaching.

Dr. Fielding works as a partner with her virtual clients, trusting that they have the inner wisdom to know what they need when they are given the knowledge and tools to become their own health advocate. She helps them learn how to stay healthy and heal themselves in the course and coaching program.
Dr. Manon Fielding

Now, get our new eBook
"Your Holistic Roadmap to Menopause Wellness"

This guide will answer questions like:
Can I mix traditional and holistic treatments?
How do I choose a Holistic Provider?
What holistic treatments and remedies are well-researched and safe?
Do I need hormonal testing?
And so much more!

I'm not ready yet, but will be soon!

Please add me to your email list for more holistic menopause information and opportunities:

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